Basic Education
Visually learn how Search Results work. Understanding what you see whenever you search for something on the web is the best plan for starting to make your web pages attractive to Search Engines to find.
Advanced Education
Every contractor’s website should be a lead generation machine. Unfortunately most sites are promotional rather than helping get more quality leads. Expand the Basics with Social Sharing, Videos, Reviews and more.
Free Education
Here are so many things to get you started for Free before making the commitment to purchasing the classes. Go ahead and check out the Basic Class since it is so worth it.
Marketing Planning
To be successful in marketing you first need a strategy. Create a plan that will allow you to present yourself as good as you should be while also looking to differentiate from competitors and beat them in search.
Create a branding experience that promotes Who you are, What you do, and Where you prefer to work. A great design, with unique content and SEO done right will allow you to Grow with More Quality Leads.