The field for lead generation is being leveled now that Google is tightening the efforts to be ranked via its search engine. For too long there has been an abundance of technology folk who have gamed the ranking systems. Google, rightfully so, is putting an objective towards punishing those who had a SEO first philosophy when it comes to create unique valuable information that deserves to be ranked.
A Core Update Supporting Brand Marketing
From time to time, Google makes broad changes to how their algorithms work. And this most recent update completely supports the philosophy that MyOnlineToolbox has taught since inception. Have others been successful at gaming the system in the sheer focus of leads-at-all-costs race? Of course. But now Google is taking a stand against that principal and that is placing many on edge. The great news is, that people who have learned from MyOnlineToolbox will not be concerned since we have always taught the importance of having your own unique images, project stories, and everything else. Many other website programmers, SEO specialists, bloggers, etc., will have to defend themselves in the event your rankings are downgraded. We look forward to hearing all the excuses that come up since we are sure they will be plentiful.
The Google Judge, Jury and Executioner
Many of us get away with breaking the rules, such as speeding. The difference is, if you are caught speeding, you can perhaps just talk your way out if it, or, perhaps just pay a ticket and move on. But this is totally different since your marketing efforts can be massively impacted if you are found to have broken the rules. Many people will be disappointed to learn the tactics of past technology folk are coming back to haunt them. And if found guilty, Google may not be in a rush to help you recover. Will your programmer, SEO specialist or blogger be there to help you? Will they do so for Free since technically they should have done it the right way the first time? Will you be standing on your own?
How to avoid being downgraded in the rankings?
If you are getting a new marketing plan started, then the best way is to do it the honest way from the beginning. Unfortunately many just like to put their marketing, websites, social media, blogging, etc., in the hands of others who really couldn’t care less about your one to five year plans. Many will do what they need to in order to generate leads as fast as possible – even when you do not deserve them. That is a hard pill to swallow for most. The reality is, you need to have a very concentrated effort at organizing your content before even thinking about talking to a website development company. You need to admit that most programmers and technology folk are better at the tools than they are better at the strategy. A lot would never admit it, but it is the truth. Try the MyOnlineToolbox Brand Marketing & SEO Basics Class since it will be the equivalent of you having an architect’s guidance before any building takes place.
It may be too late
Listen to the entire video since there is a chance it is too late. No one knows when these algorithms make an impact in a few months or even a year. You may need to have a rebuilding effort that would be equivalent to the effort that should have been done in the first place. Don’t be mad at us as the mailman since we have watched for too long the people who have used technology to make their businesses look better than they really are. Perhaps your programmer borrowed or stole other company images? Perhaps your SEO Specialist simply indexed garbage content in order to have a beautiful cover to a book that was not completed? Maybe your Done For Your Blogger was busy taking the same content used over and over again, and just changed a few words to make the story look unique for your business. All we can do is hope you spent more time positioning yourself as honestly as possible, but some of you may have gotten sold by a slick talking salesperson. Either way, if you are severely penalized, you may need to go through a lot of old school tactics such as picking up the phone and knocking on doors, since Google will simply have no emotion tied to the problem.
An uncomfortable conversation
The video also introduces the position that many will find themselves in when talking to programmers, SEO Specialists, bloggers, etc. You need to honestly know how much was done with the objective of ranking you at all costs. There are many who have ranked high, but did not deserve to be ranked high in the first place. Was that you? If so, how did they do it? We all want to rank high but we all can not do so. Did you or your representatives game the system? Perhaps that party has come to an end? Hmm?
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